We get a lot of older Royals in the shop, and this one took us a bit by surprise. This pristine Royal KH came to us after a rough landing coming back home on an airline (typewriter volley ball anyone?). The actual complaint from our costumer was it would type fine, then the carriage would race and make a racket, totally un-type-able. The obvious damage was easy, scratches and an amazing bent tab rack that looked like someone strung a bow. Mr. Montgomery was impressive as he persuaded the rack back to true, and it looks and performs brand new
Then we open her up… The tab tower casting was sheared and no machine in house to steal from. Here comes Don to the rescue with a great welding job that restored tab function with a few other adjustments. The real killer was the 10 tooth escapement gear that runs the carriage timing. This little item is not a common part as most escapements available are 12 tooth items. I feel so lucky that I bought a parts machine that in itself is a wreck. We practically jumped up and down when we realized we could save this great looking KH. I was so thrilled to call the customer and explain they could have the machine back in great running condition.