We recently bought this Corona 3 portable, and the typewriter is from the year 1921. I like the older Corona machines. This one is serial number 400144. I think we'll put this in the queue for the apprentice to explore. I love the old … More
In the Shop

Corona 4 Purple and Gold Typewriter
This Corona 4 portable is a customer machine in for service. A purple and gold crackle finish, is perfect for that person attending the University of Washington. This typewriter is in very nice condition complete with the case and manual. The … More

We’ve Got GOLD In Them Thar Hills
I've seen plenty Royal Dreyfuss Quiet DeLuxe typewriters that are the gold metal plated anniversary edition. Well . . . in photos on the interwebs. Pretty snazzy. I've never had one actually walk into the shop until today. Our friend Ray … More

1958 Vertical Script Smith-Corona
Greg brought us this 1958 Vertical Script Smith-Corona for a new platen, paper rollers and a cleaning and tune up. I like how common the model that hides such type face delights. You don't see many Vertical Script type faces. I think … More

This 1928 Remington Typewriter has Wings
This customer machine is a hefty thirty inch wide beast. From the Mason County Historical Society, the typewriter needed a good cleaning, new rubber feet and the paper bale rollers needed replacing. It took a bit of maneuvering at the solvent … More

1941 Smith-Corona Portable Music Writer
Look at what came into the shop for service and a new platen. A 1941 Smith-Corona 3A Sterling Speedline portable typewriter with a custom music keyboard. This is well before the Music Print Corporation came into existence. People still craved … More
Typewriter Articles
Typewriter Service Apprentice training update
By Paul
Tyler (from Type Townsend) has been with us for three months and yesterday completed the twelve week Typewriter Service Apprentice training. Congratulations Tyler! Here is Tyler with Paul and Lisa. … More
Mr. Montgomery – World War II Memories – Act Two
By Paul
Occasionally, I publish some of Mr. Montgomery's musings edited only for grammatical errors. Here is another of his reflection of earlier times. Mr. Montgomery wrote about much of his time enlisted in the U.S. Army, and this is ACT TWO of SIX. ROBERT MONTGOMERY – Wartime ACT TWO - Salt Lake … More
Mr. Montgomery – World War II Memories – Act One
By Paul
Occasionally, I publish some of Mr. Montgomery's musings edited only for grammatical errors. Since it was Mr. Montgomery's birthday this week, here is another of his reflections of earlier times. Mr. Montgomery wrote about much of his time enlisted in the U.S. Army, and this is ACT ONE of … More