This Smith-Premier 2 typewriter is a customers brought into the shop for a complete work over. According to the serial number 45347 the typewriter is from the year 1900.
The typewriter received a new platen, paper roller, new rubber feet and that glorious inch and a half wide ribbon.
Typical of the Smith-Premier typewriters that wander into the shop this beast was pretty gunked up. I’m again grateful for the water bath sonicators as the decades of shellacked oils and dirt from the small components came out sparkling clean. You can’t toss this beauty into the large cleaning tank like an IBM Selectric, so the chassis spends Zen time with me at the solvent bench.
It is so much easier putting everything back together when free of stuff. The type bars all got individual attention along with the key tops. I love the original decals and pin striping, still looking good!
The typewriter even has the original type face cleaning brush. And that bell, so large and shiny. That bell has one of the more melodious tones. Makes me smile at every carriage return.