This amazing machine, despite having corrosion, paint overspray on the mechanisms, bent type bars and a myriad of other maladies came through our care a working typewriter. This Underwood number 4 is serial number 0895-4, a 1900 vintage.
Here is the list of items we corrected; new back feet (they were missing), new paper feed rollers (six), removed paint clogging the gears, realigned over half the type bars, removed each type bar from the segment as there was so much gunk each slot and bar needed individual attention, the ribbon vibrator was so bent out of shape it took both of us to get it to work, the vibrator support was missing so required making a new one from scratch, tab bar was bent, many screws just broke off and needed retapping and replacement, type bar springs missing, ribbon feed so rusted only one side finally got to work, and the bell dinger now dings!