One of the small rooms in the back of the shop is my machine shop area. It has the typical drill press, a couple small lathes and a table top milling machine. Working in the room kinda drives me nuts every time I go to resurface a platen, use the arbor press to press on new rubber on paper rollers or drill out a broken screw. Mostly the nuts part is that there were (note the past tense) parts typewriters, 4 boxes of Mr. Montgomery’s videos of Community Theater productions, wood pieces (because you can never have enough plywood, dowels and 2×4’s) and the odd bag of IBM parts.
What I really need is a space that has plenty of peg board to hang tools, another work bench for the milling machine and arbor press (currently on a roll around cart). I found a small workbench on Craigslist just 5 blocks from the shop, SCORE! I’m also on the hunt for a small to mid size sand blast cabinet so I can start prepping typewriters for paint.
OK, so this weekend I grabbed everything and stacked all that stuff in the back shop area. Those who visit know what chaos the back area is normally, so add all that other stuff and it is starting to look like . . . holy crap!
I then went around the perimeter of the little room and removed the oodles of screws and nails that we’d been hanging stuff on the walls. Next is a little paint, that wonderfulness called peg board and it all goes back! If all goes well, I’ll still have room for that future sand blast cabinet.