Robert Edward Montgomery, age 96 Born January 26, 1922, released from this mortal coil September 10, 2018. Bob was born in Portland, Oregon, by his mother Ann Reckord and father Francis H. Montgomery. His sister Joyce, a constant companion, preceded Bob at the age of 91. Bob, in his schooling years, grew up in Seattle. He graduated from Broadway High School June 1941. As a child, Bob would often hang out at his father’s office machine … [Read more...]
Mr. Montgomery – Idaho Navy
Occasionally, I publish some of Mr. Montgomery's musings edited only for grammatical errors. I really appreciate all that Mr. Montgomery has done in his life, so this article is for Mr. Montgomery. The NAVY RADIO SCHOOL and the University of IDAHO At Moscow, Idaho. Sometime in April (or May) 1942 I arrived in Moscow, Idaho ready to go to work on a lot of Woodstock Typewriters at the University. The US Navy was in the process of … [Read more...]
May is for Manuals, Typewriter Manuals
Want to know more about your machine? Read a typewriter manual! Thanks to the plentiful enthusiasts of typewriters, scanned versions of many of the more common typewriters are available at your demand. Here are links to sites that host either service guides or user manuals. These are free: Need to buy an out of print service manual? Here you go: … [Read more...]
Expectations of a Typewriter
I get calls from folks enquiring about repairs to a typewriter, go figure. Often the conversation starts like this. "My typewriter appears fine and I'm sure it just needs a little help." slow pause . . . "Oh, and the keys are like kinda stuck, the paper will not feed and the carriage is frozen. Other than that the typewriter is just FINE! I’m sure it will take just a few moments of your time and all will be well." Long intake of breath along … [Read more...]
What does Budweiser have to do with Typewriters?
This article is a bit far away from typewriters. Some of my more endearing customers bring interesting things for me to repair. I cannot turn them away, especially when it is an advertising gizmo that lights up and rotates! The rotating beer sign was a bit unbalanced and it turns out the rotation motor gears were stripped. Fortunately, there is a huge fan base on the interwebs for beer signs. HUGE! I found the direct replacement for the … [Read more...]
Royal Quiet DeLuxe from 1956 is all in Vogue
This very nice all gray Royal Quiet DeLuxe typewriter from the year 1956 came to the shop in March. When I bought the typewriter I had no idea it featured Vogue typeface. I really like this very modern look. It is going home for a while so I can play with it. New platen and new feet, what a treat. AG-3249145 Not for Sale … [Read more...]
First Friday April: Typewriters! Type! and Typewriter Art!
Join Bremerton Letterpress for another First Friday Art Walk: This month they're featuring art by Mercer Island artist and teacher, Kelye Kneeland. You don't want to miss her amazing typewriter art featuring song lyrics and silhouettes - too cool! And Paul from Bremerton Office Machine Co. will have a fleet of typewriters on hand for visitors to type away on. … [Read more...]
Mr. Montgomery – Seattle Theatre Lore
Mr. Montgomery turned 95 last month; he is healthy and still the jokester. Don and I took him out to lunch then back to the shop so friends could share some cake and good memories. Occasionally, I publish some of Mr. Montgomery's musings edited only for grammatical errors. I really appreciate all that Mr. Montgomery has done for the local theatrical community, so this is an article on his impressions of the Seattle Theatre scene for your … [Read more...]
Edison Home Phonograph
I help any customer who has a machine that may not be a typewriter, yet falls into that category of "who fixes these any more?". In this case, along with an Underwood number 3 typewriter needing some love, they brought this fantastic Edison Home Phonograph in for service. This phonograph uses plastic cylinders instead of record albums we are used to using today. You could also buy wax cylinders to record! You hand crank this baby, then let … [Read more...]
Singer 20 Sewing Machine, sooo cute!
I couldn't pass up this little Singer sewing machine model 20 at the local Goodwill. It was a bit rusty. With the usual attention I give to my typewriters in short order it looks great and works. I'm not sure why I also love sewing machines. Well actually I do know; I consider them to be works of industrial art just like my typewriters. … [Read more...]