I get sooo many smelly, moldy, funky odorous machines in the shop so that's the first thing I think about when opening a typewriter case. In this case (ha, ha), I've been working to make rubber feet that others do not sell. Today, I finished a silicone mold of Smith-Corona feet for the 6 series machines. Normally those feet are in fantastic shape. Lately I've come across a few where the feet are disintegrated. Since no one else is selling … [Read more...]
Modern Tools
It is unsurprising I use quite a variety of hand tools servicing and repairing machines. Many are legacy tools no longer manufactured. I know many of you are typewriter enthusiasts and enjoy working on your own machines. This article is for you. For vintage tools, antique shops and online auction sites are your scourge. Read any of the typewriter forums and folks salivate at the chance to own forming tools. Those speciality tools are a … [Read more...]
Key tops, key tops, lovely lovely key tops
I spend a fair bit of my day cleaning machines. I admit, cleaning key tops is very satisfying. The job is simple and gratification is immediate. That's all, just sharing my cleaning jones. … [Read more...]
Oliver Typewriter Wood Ribbon Hubs
I've often thought that I too could make those wood Oliver typewriter ribbon spool hubs. Lately, every time I want to buy just the hubs, my supplier is out of stock. My first attempt is adequate and fits nicely. The final product will use a GREEN tack to hold the ribbon. … [Read more...]
Type – In; Sunday, November 18 11AM
Hello everyone. Typewriter Fever and Bremerton Office Machine Company are sponsoring our first Type-In! It is Sunday, November 18 at 11AM. All are welcome. Bring a typewriter, friends and kids. One of our typewriter enthusiasts may even show slides of Herman Price's typewriter shindig in WV. Many are bringing typewriters to show. The event is located at 245 4th Street, Bremerton, WA on the 5th floor in the nice room at the end of the … [Read more...]
RETURN HOME from the WAR in EUROPE – 1946
Occasionally, I publish some of Mr. Montgomery's musings edited only for grammatical errors. I’m sharing this one since Mr. Montgomery’s interment at the Ivy Green Cemetery in Bremerton, complete with military honors, is this Friday, October 5th at 1PM, 1401 Naval Ave., Bremerton, WA. RETURN HOME from the WAR in EUROPE - 1946 The war was finally over, even the Japanese had surrendered. The US Army in Europe had already been sending soldiers … [Read more...]
Occasionally, I publish some of Mr. Montgomery's musings edited only for grammatical errors. I’m sharing this one since the Bremerton Community Theatre (BCT) celebration of Mr. Montgomery’s life is this Saturday, September 29th at 1PM, 599 Lebo Blvd., Bremerton, WA. Bremerton Community Theatre The MERRY WIDOW, opened April 8, 1993, 20 performances. Music by: Franz Lehar Original lyrics by Victor Leon and Leo … [Read more...]
Remembering Bob Montgomery
Hello everyone. Here are some dates in which we will take a few moments and celebrate all the Bob did in his life. Here at the shop, 245 4th Street, Suite 503, Bremerton, WA, we will have an informal get together Friday, September 21 at 11AM. On the walls will be photos of Bob doing his favorite things. We hope these will spark good memories and create a nice atmosphere for folk to share their moments with Bob. Light refreshments will be … [Read more...]
Robert “Bob” Montgomery, Age 96
Robert Edward Montgomery, age 96 Born January 26, 1922, released from this mortal coil September 10, 2018. Bob was born in Portland, Oregon, by his mother Ann Reckord and father Francis H. Montgomery. His sister Joyce, a constant companion, preceded Bob at the age of 91. Bob, in his schooling years, grew up in Seattle. He graduated from Broadway High School June 1941. As a child, Bob would often hang out at his father’s office machine … [Read more...]
Mr. Montgomery – Idaho Navy
Occasionally, I publish some of Mr. Montgomery's musings edited only for grammatical errors. I really appreciate all that Mr. Montgomery has done in his life, so this article is for Mr. Montgomery. The NAVY RADIO SCHOOL and the University of IDAHO At Moscow, Idaho. Sometime in April (or May) 1942 I arrived in Moscow, Idaho ready to go to work on a lot of Woodstock Typewriters at the University. The US Navy was in the process of … [Read more...]